En Inglés "vigilantism"
"Vigilantism refers to the activities of private citizens, or government employees acting off-duty in their private capacity, designed to suppress deviance by other citizens. By deviance is meant the beliefs and behaviors of citizens which differ significantly from the established social norms of a community. By established social norms are meant those expected patterns of beliefs and behaviors professed by the ruling elites of a community. The deviance against which vigilantes mobilize may be of three types: criminal, cultural or political."
Source: D. Kowalewski, Vigilantism in W. Heitmeyer and J. Hagan, Eds., International Handbook of Violence Research, 339-349.
Mi traducción libre:
El vigilantismo se refiere a las actividades de ciudadanos particulares, o empleados del gobierno que fuera de servicio actúan por cuenta propia, que tienen por objetivo reprimir el "mal comportamiento" de otros ciudadanos. Por "mal comportamiento" nos referimos a las creencias, actitudes y forma de actuar que difiere significativamente de las normas sociales establecidas en una comunidad. Por normas establecidas se entiende aquellos patrones de comportamiento y creencias profesados por la elite que predomina en determinada comunidad. El "mal comportamiento" al que los vigilantes combaten puede ser de tres tipos: criminal, cultural o político.
Pregunta: ¿Son los linchamientos una forma de vigilantismo?
1 comment:
"Most scholars agree that an oppositional culture, with norms and values at variance with those of the dominant culture is carried by residents of poor communities, as well as whether the culture can persist without its structural antecedents, is hotly contested" R. Crutchfield & T. Wadsworth, Poverty and Violence, in W. Heitmeyer and J. Hagan, Eds., International Handbook of Violence Research, 71.
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